Getting started with Integrative Therapy In Bozeman Montana…

Finding the right counselor who is a good “fit” for you is the most important aspect of effective therapy. Schedule an initial appointment, or send us a secure email to get started. If we do not feel like we are a good fit for you, we will always attempt to make a referral with other therapists in the community.

What next?

After we find a time to meet for therapy, you will be sent electronic versions of our intake paperwork, which includes confidentiality, policy and insurance information to be completed prior to your first session. If you will be conducting sessions virtually or online, you will be sent a link prior to each session. We use a HIPPA-compliant video conferencing platform which we think is easy and convenient to use. Early sessions will be an opportunity to get to know you better and to clarify your counseling goals. This is the case individual, couple and EMDR therapy.

How do I know if I need therapy or counseling?

You’re wondering if you would benefit from counseling? Ask yourself if your issue or problem is causing you distress? How much of my life is my issue consuming? Are my problems or behaviors impacting other parts of my life (i.e., professional, home, relationships, school)? Am I seeking relief in ways that are causing harm or distress such as self-harm, isolation, eating, drinking or something else? If you answered yes to any of these, then we would say that you would benefit from reaching out for therapy.

What happens in therapy?

Therapy and counseling is a way to learn, process, heal and grow from your pain, suffering and negative experiences. Our early sessions together will be spent getting to know each other and deciding what you’d like to work on, your goals for therapy. Depending on your needs, sessions will vary. If you need to process trauma, we will focus on that. If you are struggling with anxiety or depression, we will target your symptoms to help you find relief. You may be going through something difficult in your life, we can support you as you navigate this challenge. We will also look at what is and is not working in your life and any changes that you would like to make. Our established therapy goals will serve as our guide. As your therapist, our role is to help you better understand yourself and help you identify what is contributing to your current struggles.

How often will we meet?

Therapy is most effective when it is weekly and consistent. This allows you to build the important therapeutic relationship with your therapist which is the cornerstone of effective therapy. How long will you continue in therapy? This depends on when you and your counselor feel that you have met your goals and whether new concerns have surfaced that you would like to address. Sometimes if you are experiencing difficult circumstances or a crisis, it is helpful to meet twice weekly until things feel more stable in your life.

How long are our sessions and how long will I need to stay in therapy?

Therapy sessions last 50-55 minutes and typically occur every week, however in times of crisis, it can be helpful to meet more often. In the beginning, weekly therapy sessions help establish a therapeutic relationship, which is the most important aspect of successful and meaningful therapy.

How much does therapy and counseling cost?

If you have BCBS, Pacific Source, Aetna, Allegiance, Mountain Health Coop insurance, we are in-network providers for those carriers. If you have a deductible to meet, your cost will depend on the coverage offered by your plan, that is, the amount that they reimburse us for your sessions. We cannot charge less than than the reimbursement fee. If you are with another insurance carrier or do not wish to use insurance, sessions will need to be paid for out of pocket and will be deducted by credit card, HSA kept on file. Some insurance carriers will reimburse you directly for sessions with an out-of-network provider and we offer receipts for you to send to your insurance carrier.